Growth Opportunities (GO) Program ODSP – Employment Supports (ODSP-ES)
Have a Disability? Go ProgramODSP - ESEmpower
Growth Opportunities (GO) Program
The Growth Opportunities (GO) Program provides employment services through funding from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and is offered at no cost to participants. This program is designed to assist individuals with developing and obtaining their employment goals. Outreach services are available within the Durham Region.
Do you have a disability which is impacting your ability to find work?
Thinking about re-training? Our staff can assess your eligibility for Better Jobs Ontario and if you qualify, help you with the application process!
To be eligible for the GO Program you must:
Self-identify as having a disability
Be 16 years of age or older
Live in the Durham Region
Not be enrolled as a full-time student
Not be enrolled with another Employment Ontario service provider
Be unemployed or underemployed (working less than 20 hours per week, on average)
Be ready, willing and capable of working
Be committed and motivated to work
Self-identify as having a disability
Be 16 years of age or older
Live in the Durham Region
Not be enrolled as a full-time student
Not be enrolled with another Employment Ontario service provider
Be unemployed or underemployed (working less than 20 hours per week, on average)
Be ready, willing and capable of working
Be committed and motivated to work
Why should I participate?
META’s clients receive supportive one-on-one assistance from an Employment Counsellor through the process of developing and obtaining their employment goals.
Your customized program may include:
Assessment and Counselling
Your Employment Counsellor will perform an assessment to determine your existing skill set and assist you with developing and obtaining your employment goals.
Resume and Interview Skills
Together with your Employment Counsellor, you will update your resume and enhance your interview skills.
Job Development
If needed, a Job Developer will provide you with support in finding employment and ensuring your skill set is a good match for employers’ needs.
Job Search Workshop
Will provide you with up-to-date job search strategies to reach your employment goals including:
• Resume webinar • Job search webinar • Interview webinar
Job Coaching
We will provide you with on-the-job support and training in the workplace.
Contact Us for more information!
ODSP and Work
Yes, you can work while you are receiving Income Support from ODSP!
If you are on ODSP Income Support and you want to work, META can assist you with achieving your employment goals through our Employment Supports Program.
CONTACT US for more information.
Ontario Disability Support Program – Employment Supports (ODSP-ES)
META Employment Services is an approved ODSP Employment Supports service provider. The ODSP Employment Supports Program is funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services and is available to job seekers who meet specific program criteria. The program provides participants with one-on-one support in developing and achieving their employment goals.
Once participants have been approved for this program by the Ontario Disability Support Program, they will have access, as needed, to one-on-one counselling, job coaching, assisted job search, workplace support and monitoring. This program is provided at no cost to participants.
To be eligible for the ODSP-ES Program you must:
- Be registered with ODSP
- Be a resident of Ontario
- Be 16 years of age or older, and
- Have a disability that is expected to last a year or more which makes it difficult for you to find and retain a job
Why should I Participate?
We can arrange for on-the-job training (job coaching), as needed, to assist you with keeping your job and putting you on track to becoming financially independent.
Contact Us for more information!
Your customized program may include:
Full support from our META employment counsellors
Career counselling and employment planning
Special clothing and equipment
Employment preparation
Job coaching and job maintenance
Job development
Assistive devices and accommodation
Ongoing communication and monitoring
Belleville Location
Whitby Location
Contact META